Updated February 23rd 2025

On Wednesday 5th March we have Club Night at The Round Oak, Wombourne from 8pm. This should feature a talk by a representative from the West Midlands Air Ambulance. This has been our favoured charity for some years, it's where most of the money collected at runs goes to and it feels very appropriate for us. In fact more then one of our members has benefitted from their assistance over the years, albeit not always motorcycling related.

Then on Saturday 29th March it's Paul Raybould's Spring Run. Meet from 10am for 10.30 departure from the Upper Gornal Methodist Church, Spills Meadow, Upper Gornal, DY3 1YB. Hot drinks will be available at the start.

Updated January 26th 2025

On Wednesday 5th February it's the Section AGM from 8pm at The Round Oak WV5 8BU. Your attendance to support the Committee is always appreciated and it's usually a fairly quick process. Rest assured that no one is pressed into taking anything on that they don't want! Annual riding awards will be presented and the 2024 Yearbooks will have been printed and available too.

Then on Thursday 13th February we have another joint breakfast meeting with the Worcestershire Section (they do love their breakfasts!), this time at Rowberries Nursery cafe at Chaddesley Corbett DY10 4QN from 9.30am.

Updated January 9th 2025

On Thursday 23rd January we have a joint Breakfast meeting from 9.30 with the Worcestershire Section at the cafe at Hodgehill Garden Centre, DY10 3NR, on the A456 2 miles East of Kidderminster towards Hagley.

Then on Wednesday 5th February it's the Section AGM from 8pm at The Round Oak. Your attendance to support the Committee is always appreciated and it's usually a fairly quick process and rest assured that no one is pressed into taking anything on that they don't want! Annual riding awards will rhen be presented. All being well the 2024 Yearbooks will have been printed and available too.

By now our 2025 dates are on the VMCC Events database and the Section website under the Events Diary tab. On the front page there is also a link to download our Calendar of events, or email me and I'll send you one.

Updated December 12th 2024

Our next event is the the lunchtime social at The Round Oak, Wombourne on New Years Day from 12 noon. Come on a bike if it's fit to do so, but come anyway if you can.

Updated November 18th 2024

We have just one more event this year, the Club Night at The Round Oak, Wombourne from 8pm on Wednesday 4th December. This will be a social evening and Martyn will offer a quiz.

This time we will hold the meeting in the raised area upstairs, not the Function Room, at the request of the pub to fit in with another booking and we are very happy to do so.

Updated October 17th 2024

In November we have Club Night at the Round Oak, Wombourne on Wednesday the 6th from 8pm. A chance to see the amazing one quarter scale model of a KTT Velocette made by one of our members, and to hear him tell how he did it.

Then on Saturday 16th November, our last planned riding event of the year which will be a Ride In to Tonys Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL, no route to follow, just make your own way there from wherever you are for a sociable end of season lunchtime from 12 noon.

Updated August 24th 2024

In September we have the Clun Run on Saturday 7th, starting 10 for 10.30 from Tonys Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL. Lunch will be at Mellington Hall near Welshpool.

Then on Wednesday 18th we have a Ride In for a sociable lunchtime at The Castle Hotel, Market Square, Bishops Castle, SY9 5BN. No route, just make your on way there to meet from 12 noon, tables have been reserved for us.

Updated August 4th 2024

The first August event will be Club Night on Wednesday 7th, a social evening from 8pm at The Round Oak, Ounsdale Road, Wombourne, WV5 8BU.

Then on Sunday 11th it's Rob's Breakfast Run, meet from 8.30 for 9am departure from the service road outside Walsall Garden Centre, Sutton Road, WS9 0QH, and a 37 mile run heading to The Bluebell Cider House at Earlswood for breakfast.

Sunday 18th August will see a classic bike show at The Boat Inn, Jackfield, Telford. Organised by Phil Wilson the first such event was a big success last year, a really nice day out. It's not a Section or VMCC event, something that Phil organises himself. If you want to display a bike Phil needs to know in advance, call or text him on 07976 966673. I've attached a poster about the event and a couple of photos I took last year.

Finally, on Wednesday 21st it's my Mid-Week Run, meet at Tony's Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth WV15 6QL from 10 for a 10.30 departure. We'll be meandering west via Cardington, up onto the northern end of the Long Mynd and down for lunch at The Pound Inn, Leebotwood. About 52 miles there and after lunch a short 20 mile trip back through Ironbridge to disband at Sutton Maddock. There will be some lanes, all tarmac, but not the ones I originally planned as a test ride found they have become virtually unusable since I last took a run there.

Updated July 1st 2024

July is a busy month, lots to do or choose between. On Wednesday 3rd we have Ride a Bike Night at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU from 6.30pm. Bring a bike and park it in the cordoned off area of the car park near the pub building, or come along to have a look round and socialise. Either way we'll be pleased to see you.

Saturday 13th its the Flight of Fantasy Run, 10 for 10.30 from Blackstone riverside car park near Bewdley DY12 2TQ. This is on the left of the B4194 out of Bewdley towards Astley that later passes the Indian dealership, not the same car park as last year.

Next day, Sunday 14th, we have a new Navigational event being run jointly with our Worcestershire neighbours and organised by Martyn Round. It starts from 9am at The Cob House, Wichenford WR6 6YE. This is a navigation rally. At 9am clues will be issued in the form of photographs of signposts and you will have an hour to work out where they are and plan a route around them. From 10am riders will be free to go to those locations and at each one to find the answer to a question you were given. All the locations can be found on the pink Ordnance Survey 1:50000 sheet 138 for Kidderminster and Wyre Forest. Whether you will be able to find them only time will tell.

Wednesday 17th we have a Ride In organised by Ian Goodhall, make your own way to The Squirrel, Ludlow, SY8 1LS from 12 noon. No route or signing on, just make your own way there from wherever you are.

Finally, on Sunday 28th, there is a new run being arranged by Phil Wilson, 10 for 10.30 from Albrighton Garden Centre, WV7 3EE. This will be about 65 miles, with refreshments available twice during the route plus the start and Ironbridge finish so you will not go hungry or thirsty for long. Sounds suitable for the old or slow, bikes too.

Updated May 30th 2024

On Saturday 1st June we have Peter's Summer Circuit of Ludlow Run, starting 10 for 10.30 from The Tile Press Cafe, Maws Craft Centre, Jackfield TF8 7LS. It will finish just over 100 miles later at Tony's Diner, Quatford. The ride is on decent roads so suitable for all machines that will be OK for the distance. This is NOT the same cafe we have finished a few runs at before on the north side of the river. This one is SOUTH of the river so please check where you are going!

Then on the Wednesday 5th we have a Club Night, there will be a talk on Scammell Lorries. Not bikes I know but it sounds interesting, start 8pm at The Round Oak, Wombourne.

On the Wednesday 19th it's Ian's Midweek run, 10 for 10.30 from the Layby alongside The Lenchford Inn, Shrawley, WR6 6TB, and going into Herefordshire.

Finally, on Saturday 29th, it's the Girder Fork Run, again 10 for 10.30, from Rowberrys Nursery, Chaddesley Corbett. Please bring a Girder Fork Machine if you have one, but if not then do bring yourself on something later and club eligible.

Updated April 27th 2024

In May, we have Club Night on the Wednesday 1st, a Social Evening.

Then on 11th May Mike's Run to the SE Davies Construction Plant and Steam collection, meet 10 for 10.30 departure from Halfpenny Green Airport. We're having lunch on our way to Davies at The Neville Arms, The Ridgeway, Redditch B96 6NB if you want to meet up with us there about noon.

On the 22nd May we have a lunch time Ride In to The Royal Hill Inn, Edgerley, Oswestry SY10 8ES. No start point or route, make your own way there for a sociable lunchtime meet from 12 noon.

Updated April 5th 2024


We had a very interesting talk at the Club Night on April 3rd from Ted Foreman on The Tyre as Silent Witness

Coming up in April on the 10th we have a Ride in to The Cob House, Wichenford, WR6 6YE. No route, just make your own way there for a sociable lunchtime from 12 noon. Then on the 21st its the Long Muynd Run, meet at 10 for 10.30 departure from Tonys Diner, Quatford, near Brindgnorth WV15 6QL.

Updated March 19th 2024

On Saturday March 23rd we have Paul Raybould's Two Spires Spring Run. Meet at 10am for 10.30 departure from Upper Gornal Methodist Church, Spills Meadow, Upper Gornal, Dudley, DY3 1YB. Hot drinks and toilets will be available. Do NOT go to the Louise Street Garage where we have started from in recent years!

Then, at Club Night on Wednesday April 3rd we have a talk from Ted Foreman on The Tyre as Silent Witness. This comes highly recommended, don't miss it - at The Round Oak, Ounsdale Road, Wombourne, WV5 8BU, from 8pm.

Updated January 7th 2024

We are meeting our southern neighbours, the Worcestershire Section, for a breakfast meeting from 9.30 am on Thursday 18th January at Hodgehill Farm Cafe, on the Kidderminster to Stourbridge Road, DN10 3NR

Then on 7th February its the Section AGM and a social evening at The Round Oak from 8pm. The AGM is usually a fairly quick affair, no one is press ganged into taking work on if they dont want it, but we will be grateful for your interest and support

Updated December 18th 2023

That's it for 2023, all our planned events are now complete, thank you for your support as an organiser, participant or interested party.

We're ready for another year, starting with our New Year's Day lunchtime social at the Round Oak, Ounsdale Road, Wombourne from 12 noon. Please do come along and say Hello, other halves and sundry relatives are all welcome.

Updated November 17th 2023

To round off 2023 we have our final Club Night of the year on December 6th from 8pm at The Round oak, a social evening.

Then we kick off 2024 with our usual lunch time social at The Round Oak from 12 noon. You don't HAVE to come on a bike but the kudos to be gained by those that do cannot be overestimated!

Updated October 16th 2023

In September we had the Clun Run, a lovely day out with superb views in splendid weather leading to lunch at the very smart Mellington Hall. Then on the 24th it was the Levis Road Trial, one of the rare surviving time trials that there used to be many more of around the club, and it was another great day, this time from a new venue that most agreed was an improvement. Our only November fixtures are Club Night on the 1st and the Winter Wander ride in to Tony's Diner on the 4th, no route, just make your own way there.

Updated September 27th 2023

We have just two formal events in October, Club night on the 4th from 8pm at the Round Oak, Ousdale Road, Wombourne, WV5 8BU.

Then on Sunday 8th it's the Autumn Run, 10 for 10.30 departure from Pattingham Club, High Street, Pattingham, WV6 7BH. Autumn colours, a lovely route and lunch at the Raven Cafe at Prees Heath, what's not to like?!

Updated August 26th 2023

Club night at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU will be on Wednesday 6th September from 8pm.

On Saturday 9th September, we have the Clun Run starting 10 for 10.30 departure from Tonys Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL, this is always a highlight, venturing out into the Welsh borders in the Clun area. Initially the route goes straight to Craven Arms, then towards Clun where there is a coffee stop, probably soon after 11am, at a newish caravan/campsite on the right between Craven-Arms and Aston-on-Clun. Run organiser Brian is happy for you to join us and sign on there if that fits better for you. The total ride is expected to cover just over 100 miles, mainly on free flowing roads, Brian tells me that he is keeping us off the nadgery stuff this year.

The Levis Road Trial will be on Sunday 24th September entry details in the Levis section of our Section website, or phone me. Its a super event, not to be missed, but be quick if youd like to enter, closing date September 12th. Be aware that with The Lenchford changing hands and not wanting us weve had to move to a new start venue at The Cob House, Wichenford, Worcester, WV6 6YE. If you're not riding, why not come along to have a chat and look at the bikes either at The Cob House (first bike leaves at 10am) or at the lunch stop from around 12.15 at Ludlow Brewery, The Railway Shed, Station Dr, Ludlow, SY8 2PQ

Updated July 31st 2023

August 2nd it's Club Night, a Social Evening at The Round Oak, Ounsdale Road, Wombourne, WV5 8BU, from 8pm.

Sunday August 13th we have Rob's Breakfast Run, 8.30 for 9am departure from the slip road outside Walsall Garden Centre, Sutton Road, WS9 0QH. Rob tells me that we're going to breakfast at a cafe on the A5.

Wednesday 23rd August it's my Mid-Week Run, meet 10am for 10.30 departure from Tonys Diner, Quatford, Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL. We're going to a riverside pub north west of Shrewsbury for lunch where I've booked us a big table. That's The Royal Hill at Edgerley, SY10 8ES. If it fits better for you, it wouldn't be rude to meet us and sign on at the pub around 12 noon and ride the second half with us. Then we have a very scenic afternoon route returning over the Breidden Hills, Long Mountain, Stiperstones and the Long Mynd, the reverse of my Criggion route two years ago, the views are fantastic and look completely different going in the opposite direction! It's 45 miles to lunch and then 52 back to Bridgnorth.

Updated June 27th 2023

On July 5th it's Ride a Bike Night at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU from 6.30. Bikes to see, socialising and chat to be had, and a couple of Concours Awards for members bikes.

Saturday 15th July we have Barries run, 10 for 10.30 from the Pavilions Garden Centre on the A454 Wolverhampton to Bridgnorth Road. Its going north into south Staffordshire and will be about 80 miles.

Finally for July, on the 26th, we have Ians Mid-Week Run, 10 for 10.30 from Mid West Motorcycles near Stourport (the Indian dealership). Ians called it the Taste of the Levis run as we are going to do most of the Levis test hills, lunch in Ludlow, then back to the Cob House, Wichenford to finish.

Updated June 11th 2023

On Tuesday 13th June we have the Flight of Fantasy Run, meet 10am for 10.30 departure from Blackstone picnic car park DY12 1PU, signed off the A456 Bewdley By Pass, adjacent to pedestrian pelican crossing. Free Parking and appears suitable for trailers to be left. Lunch at the Walwyn Arms, Much Marcle.

Then on Saturday 24th our Girder Fork Run, welcoming also our Worcestershire Section neighbours. Bring a Girder Fork bike if you have one, but if not please bring yourself on whatever you have! 10 for 10.30 from Rowberries Nursery, Chaddesley Corbett.

And on 5th July it's Ride a Bike Night at The Round Oak from 6,30pm.

Updated April 23rd 2023

On 2nd May we have Mike's Mid-Week Run, starting from by the cafe at Halfpenny Green Airport, meet 10 for 10.30 departure. The run goes towards Leominster, there are coffee and lunch stops, and we get back to the Airport 89 miles later.

Next it's Club Night on Wednesday May 3rd, Neil Trinder will show a video and talk about his flight in a Spitfire last year.

Then, on Sunday May 21st, Peter Gray has organised a longer day out: The Three Lakes Run, which will venture into Wales. This run will meet at 10 for a prompt departure at 10.30 from the layby outside the Gaskell Arms in Much Wenlock. Lunch will be at The Brigands Inn, Mallwyd and the planned route finishes about 162 miles later at The Clive Arms, Bromfield, near Ludlow. Be warned: it's going to be well over 200 miles by the time we've ridden to the start and back from Ludlow, it should be a great day out but we want you to be aware of what it entails, and bring a suitable bike! There will probably be a shorter Plan B if the weather is dreadful, from the same start point and time.

Updated March 30th 2023

On Wednesday April 5th from 8pm at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU, we will have John Young talking at our Club Night about the 1973 Triumph Quadrent prototype, which he hopes to bring with him!

Then, on Sunday April 16th it's The Long Mynd Run, 10 for 10.30 departure from and back to Tony's Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL.

Updated March 10th 2023

We have two things coming soon. On Saturday March 25th it will be Paul Raybould's Heritage Run, 10 for 10.30 departure from Louise Street Garage, Lower Gornal. The run will go towards Shrewsbury, passing some English Heritage sites, take a break at the Village Stores cafe in Upton Magna, and then make its way back through Ironbridge.

Then on Wednesday April 5th we will have John Young talking at our Club Night about the 1973 Triumph Quadrent prototype, which he hopes to bring with him!

Updated February 15th 2023

March Club Night will be on Wednesday 1st, from 8pm at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU. It will be a social evening, NOT Neil Trinder's talk and video about his flight in a Spitfire. That has now been moved to 3rd May. This change happened after I had submitted the Section Notes for the February Journal before Christmas, apologies for any confusion.

We have our first ride of the year, Paul Raybould's Heritage Run on Saturday March 25th meet 10am for 10.30 departure from Louise Street Garage, Gornalwood, Dudley DY3 2UB. Paul tells me that the run will go towards Shrewsbury and pass a number of English Heritage sites before circling round to finish at Dobbies Garden Centre, Gailey, ST19 5PP.

Updated January 1st 2023

Happy New Year! Please see the 2023 Club Night and Runs lists under the Events tab above, next up is the Section AGM on 1st February at The Round Oak. It will be good to see members there, be not afraid, it's usually a painless affair and no one has work foisted on them that they don't want!

Updated December 13th 2022

That's it for this year but we hope to see you in 2023, starting with the New Year's Day social at The Round Oak from 12 noon.

All the dates of our runs and club nights in 2023 have now been put onto this website under the Events Diary tab above. Many of the detailed arrangements are still sketchy or unknown but the list will be updated as the year progresses, and details will be put here as the date draws near.

Updated October 25th 2022

As we go into autumn and winter the pace of events is slowing down now. We have Wednesday Club Nights at The Round Oak on 2nd November and 7th December.

Our final planned ride will be the Winter Wander on Sunday 6th November. This year we're not having a planned route, the idea is for you to make your own way to Tony's Diner, Quatford, near Bridgorth, WV15 6QL for a sociable end os season lunchtime from 12noon.

Updated August 25th 2022

We've had a two rides in August. First Rob's Breakfast Run on the 14th took us north from Walsall to an excellent cafe just out of Uttoxeter on the Stafford Road. Then the Mid-Week Run on the 24th went from Tony's Diner at Quatford north of Telford for coffee, and then south to Acton Burnell and beyond before finishing back at Tony's. Along the way we went literally 'all around the Wrekin'!

In September we have Club night on the 7th, a social evening at the Round Oak, Ounsdale Road, Wombourne, from 8pm. Then the Clun Run on Saturday the 10th, details are under the Events tab above in the Social Runs list. Then on the 25th it's our premier event, the Levis Trial. That has to be entered in advance, but if you don't it can be interesting to come along to the start to see the machines gathering and setting off from The Lenchford Inn, north of Worcester. Or there's a lunch stop at The Ludlow Brewing Company, in Station Drive, Ludlow, with machines coming and going from around 12.45 for an hour or two.

Updated July 29th 2022

These are our events in August:

First we have a Club Night next Wednesday (3rd August), as usual from 8pm at the Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU. This month we will try again to intersperse the chat with some historic motorcycle sport videos, with hopefully no repeat of last month's technical issue!

Next, it's the Breakfast Run on the 14th. That will be 8.30 for 9am departure from the slip road outside Walsall Garden Centre, B4151 Sutton Road, WS9 0QH, and going to a breakfast location that will have been rigorously checked by Rob.

Finally, we have my own mid-week run on Wednesday 24th 10 for 10.30 departure from Tonys Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL. We will be heading north to a coffee stop and eventually back to Tonys for a late lunch. About 77 miles in total, some, narrow but all tarmac lanes, going literally all around the Wrekin, and a chunk of Shropshire countryside too to Acton Burnell and beyond.

Do come and join us at some or all of these, it will be winter soon enough!

Updated July 1st 2022

On Wednesday 6th July it's our Ride a Bike Night at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU from 6.30pm. The end of the car park nearest the pub is usually cordoned off for our bikes and there should be plenty to see and fellow enthusiasts to chat to.

Then we have rides on Saturday 16th and Wednesday 27th, full details can be found under the Events Diary tab above, in the Social Runs list.

Updated May 29th 2022

We had some good attendances for our runs on May 10th and 21st, it would be great to see this continue through the summer.

Coming up we have Barrie's Mid-Week Run on Wednesday June 8th, and then the Girder Fork Run on Saturday 25th (bring one if you can, but all Club eligible bikes are welcome) Details of start points etc are shown under the Events Diary tab above in Section Social Runs

Updated May 2nd 2022

We had the Long Mynd Run on May 1st, a day that was wet early and late in the ride, but that didn't stop 25 of us having a good day out. As well as local members we were pleased to have visitors from the Burton, Derby and Ironmasters sections.

The next run is on Tuesday May 10th, 10 for 10.30 departure from Mid-West Moto (the Indian dealer), Ribbesford Moto, Stourport, DY13 0TF. It looks like being an interesting day, see full details in the Social Runs list under the Events Diary tab above.

Updated April 11th 2022

Our next event is the Long Mynd Run on Sunday May 1st, 10 for 10.30 from Tony's Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL. This will be quite a long run, about 90 miles back to the start, with only about 10 miles of narrow lanes. It will eventually cross over The Long Mynd from the western side up the hill from Asterton, over the top and down the Burway into Church Stretton.

Updated March 15th 2022

We have our first social run of the year on Saturday March 26th, meet from 10am for 10.30 departure from Louise Street Garage, Gornal Wood, Dudley, DY3 2UB.

We always issue route sheets so you can make your own way in your own time, but if you don't have a route holder or prefer not to use one, worry not, just let us know at the start and we will find someone for you to follow and do our very best not to lose you!

Updated February 16th 2022

February 2nd saw all of our Section Committee members and officers reinstalled for another year. Thank you to them, and to all the members who came along to ensure that they carried on! Next Club night is on March 2nd, and then we have our first Social Run of the year on March 26th, 10 for 10.30 departure from Louise Street Garage, Gornal Wood, Dudley, DY3 2UB. See you there.

Updated January 2nd 2022

Happy New Year. A goodly number of members and visitors went to the Round Oak on the 1st, though down a bit on the usual due to people's natural caution around Covid. Let's hope that things settle down and we can have a decently normal riding season this year. All the dates are on this website under the Events Diary above.

Updated December 2nd 2021

We had nearly 20 people come to our film and audio evening at The Round Oak last evening (1st December), and that concludes our planned activities for this year. Thank you to those who supported us in what have not always been the easiest of times.

We hope that you stay well over the winter, that any projects or maintenance goes well and, most importantly, that we will see you next year.

Updated November 8th 2021

Our next event is the Club Night on Wednesday 1st December from 8pm at The Round Oak, Wombourne, WV5 8BU. We'll be having a film night with some period off road competition DVDs.

Updated October 12th 2021

Coming next we have Club Night on Wednesday November 3rd, a social evening at the Round Oak, Wombourne, from 8pm.

Then on Sunday November 7th it's our final run of the year, and we have a new plan this time, you have choices. Either make your own way to Tony's Diner, Quatford, near Brindgnorth, WV15 6QL for 12 noon. OR if you'd like to have trundle round then a 35 mile route has been planned from and back to Tony's, you could either meet there at 10.30 and go round before lunch, or go after lunch, it's up to you.

Updated September 17th 2021

It's the Levis Trial on Sunday 26th September, over 60 machines will be starting from The Lenchford, Shrawley, WR6 6TB, first away at 10am, and stopping for lunch at The Squirrel just off Ludlow Bypass from about 1pm, before teturning to The lenchford. Why not come and have a look?

Then in October we have our Club Night on the 6th, see the scrolling box above, and the Autumn Run on Sunday 10th, starting 10 for 10.30 departure from near the cafe at Halfpenny Green Airport.

Updated September 8th 2021

It's The Clun Run on Saturday September 11th, start either from Tony's Diner, Quatford, WV15 6QL at 10.30, or the petrol station/Tuffins in Craven Arms at 11am.

There's still (as of 8th September) JUST time to enter The Levis Trial on the 26th September, see the Regulations, Entry Form etc under the Levis tab on this website.

Update on 26th July 2021: Due to an oversight there will be no North Birmingham Section Notes in the August VMCC Journal, so here's a reminder about what's coming up over the next month or so:

July 28th - Wednesday - We have a ride in to meet at The Lowfield Inn, Marton, SY21 8JX from 12.30. This is not a run with route sheet, make your own way there to meet up for a sociable lunchtime. We will be at Tony's Diner, Quatford, near Bridgnorth, WV15 6QL until 10.30 and able to give you directions if you're unsure of the location.

August 4th - Wednesday - Club Night. A social evening at The Round Oak, Ounsdale Road, Wombourne, WV5 8BU. From 8pm.

August 15th - Sunday - Breakfast Run - Meet from 8.30 for 9am departure in the service road outside Walsall Garden Centre, WS9 0QH, on the B4151 Sutton Road, which runs up to Barr Beacon from Walsall. We will be going to Barton Marina for Breakfast.

August 25th - Wednesday - Mikes Pipeline Run - Meet at 10 for 10.30 departure at Kinver Edge Farm Shop & Cafe, Sandy Lane, Kinver, Stourbridge, DY7 6HX. Map reference. SO838827 on OS Landranger sheet 138. It opens at 9:30 if anyone wants breakfast. Mike is taking us out towards Wales along(ish) the route of the water pipeline.

September 1st - Wednesday - Club Night. At the Round Oak from 8pm.

Updated May 31st 2021

Now that groups of up to 30 can meet outdoors we are able to hold our social runs as 'normal', as we did with the Criggion Run on May 26th and 25 people came along. Please see our social runs Calendar of Events on this webiste for information about what's coming next and where. We really do hope to see you there.

On the 27th May we learned that new Health and Safety and admin procedures had been introduced by the Club, tied in with the Club's Public Liability insurance. We are working our way through these and how to adopt or adapt to them locally

Updated March 29th 2021

The route sheet for the run that was scheduled for the 27th March has been circulated to members who are on our email circulation list. To join that list please contact Section Secretary David Spencer, his email and phone number are in the VMCC Journal.

This is a tricky period with lockdown being eased. We no longer have to 'stay at home', but we are implored to be sensible and we are only allowed to meet in groups of up to six, outdoors. So, we can get out, but we have to be careful about social distancing, keep group sizes small, take our own refreshments for consumption at picnic areas or the like, and be sensitive towards others and public perceptions. The route is there to be enjoyed at a time and date of your choosing, alone or with a few others, and the 'authorised' period for the run on the VMCC events database runs until the 18th April, which is the date of our next run, so you have nearly 3 weeks.

Updated February 28th 2021

All being well it looks like there will be changes to lockdown with effect from Monday 29th March, when the requirement to stay at home will be lifted and we will be back the the 'Rule of Six', allowing groups up to that size outside.

That being the case, the run we had planned for Saturday 27th March won't be able to go ahead on that day. Instead, the route sheet will be made available from Monday 29th, for members to go and have a ride round, alone or with a few others within the rules at the time. The same is likely to be the case for our planned runs on April 18th and May 15th, but a further degree of ,'normality' MAY exist by the time of our mid-week run on May 26th.

Please contact us at northbirminghamvmcc@outlook.com to opt in to receiving email updates and route sheets in due course.

Updated January 2nd 2021

Happy New Year all. We have set dates for social runs for the year. If, when the time comes, restrictions are still in place then the plan is that we will circulate the route sheet to members who have opted to receive emails from us, so that we can go and ride the route at a time and day of our choosing, alone or with a few mates, in accordance with Covid Guidelines at the time. To sign up for those messages, email us at northbirminghamvmcc@outlook.com It costs nowt!

October 24th 2020

Well, some of us did manage to get some rides in on the nicer days during autumn. A few route sheets were made available for people to go and do on their own, or with a few others, at times of their own choosing, and some good rides were had. I will long remember a fabulous day out to the Elan Valley. Planning has started for 2021, with us sincerely hoping for a more normal year. But come what may, there will be a dozen or so social runs planned from March onwards, and if we can't go as a group, then the routes will be available so days out can still be had.

Sadly, for obvious reasons, Club Nights remain suspended and the remaining social run for this year is cancelled.

Updated September 13th

We had a Committee meeting on the 12th at which we thought we may be able to get back to a more 'normal' autumn programme, but between calling the meeting and it taking place we've had the new Government guidelines and the 'Rule of Six', so we are still restricted in what we can do. But never mind, it's not winter yet, and we can still go for a ride, or with a few mates, so long as we stick to the rules. People on our email circulation list will have received details of another set of scatter rally locations and clues, and also a route sheet for a scenic ride out to the Elan Valley and back. Contact David Spencer if you would like details, or if you would like to go on the email list.

AUpdated ugust 17th

Mike Cutler's Mid Week Run, which would have been held on 19th August, cannot take place as normal due to rules on groups gathering, difficulty with venues and so on. Mike has however provided a route for people to ride alone or with a few others within Government guidelines, and at a time and date of your choosing. Please do so and enjoy your ride! This has been circulated via email to those on our contact list or contact David Spencer for details.

Updated August 15th

If you are not yet on the Section's email contact list but would like to be, please contact David Spencer, the Section Secretary. You will then receive occasional reminders or new information about our activities direct to your email.

Updated August 14th

By now, 45 people have let us know they are tackling at least some of the scatter rally, with 4 reporting back that they have been to all 39 locations. It's pleasing to hear of a few informal small groups of 5 or 6 (within Government Guidelines), getting out for a ride, an al-fresco coffee stop, and a bit of a laugh, we all need those!

Updated July 1st

We have launched a Navigational Scatter Rally, something for members to be able to do alone or in small groups at a time and day of your choosing. There are 39 locations to the south, west and north of our area, each identified by map reference, with a question to find the answer to when visiting them. It's just a bit of fun and an excuse to get out for a ride.